Monday, June 22, 2009

My Digital Image Collection

This is a slideshow of my digital image collection. Included in the slideshow are a scan, a photo I took with my camera, an image from Big Box of Art, an image I got from the internet, and a screen shot. Making a digital image collection turned out to be somewhat frustrating. I never thought that something that seemed as simple as collecting digital images would cause any sort of stress. I think the biggest problem I had with the digital image collection was that I had no idea how to take a screen shot and I had never used Picassa.

The screen shot turned out to be a really cool tool that I can hopefully use in the classroom. I just had no idea that one even existed in the first place. Then I had no idea how to actually get one. But the process turned out to be rather simple and I am glad that I know how to get one now. I think that I just got a little frustrated because I did not know anything about them. I tend to get a little overwhelmed when I do not know how to do something. It was also getting to be towards the end of class and I knew I also had to resize the image and put it in my powerpoint. But all is well! It worked out fine and my stress faded away quickly. Now I know how to take a screen shot, resize one, place it in a slideshow, and hopefully be able to demonstrate a exercise to my students using the screen shot.

Picassa turned out to also be a cool tool, but another one that I was rather frustrated with in the beginning. I also had never heard of Picassa so was completely unfamiliar with its features. Resizing pictures in photoshop was also new to me and seemed rather confusing from the outside. But once I figured out that you just had to type in the measurements it became less confusing. Picassa was difficult because I could not really figure out how the program actually worked. I had trouble deleting a picture at first and then putting in a caption. However, I eventually got the hang of it. I would not say I am a pro by any means, but at least I now know how the program works and would be able to use it if I had to.

All in all my digital image slideshow turned out to be good I hope. I know that it is not the most interesting show, but at least it is one that I created and took the time to figure out how to actually create one.


  1. Slideshow looks great, Chelsea. The lake shot is amazing.

  2. Chels... I love the political cartoon! Haha... I felt so much of that throughout the election. I actually wrote a paper about Oprah's support for Obama, and how many tangible votes he got because of it. The estimation is 1 million! Huge significance!

  3. Chelsea, I just finished reading your entire reflection about the digital images. I am so glad you see the instructional value of screenshots, and I realize now that I should have been more deliberate in teaching about how to make one. It's probably one of the easiest tricks you can know when using instructional technology. Adding screenshots to your instruction helps the visual learner and creates a sort of roadmap for all learners. It's nice also that the tools for creating screenshots are right there on your computer's operating system! Good reflection.
